# Events


As you already know, you have to implement Listener to use bukkit events. In case you also want to use the build-in events of Cardinal-Anticheat you have to implement EventListener. That's because Cardinal-Anticheat has an entirely different event-system. It's possible to use bukkit events and cardinal events in the same class by implementing both classes.

import me.clientastisch.cardinal.extension.impl.event.EventListener;

public class MyWonderfulEvent implements EventListener {


The next difference is that Cardinal-Anticheat uses the annotation @EventManager.Target above methods. To make the events asynchronous, you can set the isAsync parameter to true (default is false).

import me.clientastisch.cardinal.events.EventManager

public void onFlag(CheckFireEvent event) {

Keep in mind, that asynchronous events cannot be cancelled. For a complete overview of all events, visit the javadoc reference.

# Register Events

You can register events by calling Extension.registerListener

import me.clientastisch.cardinal.extension.Extension;
import me.clientastisch.cardinal.extension.impl.Addon;

public class Core implements Addon {

    public void onEnable() throws Exception {
        Extension.registerListener(this, new MyWonderfulEvent());

    public void onDisable() throws Exception {
